[gollem] SMB backend

Andrew Watkins andrew at dcs.bbk.ac.uk
Tue Sep 19 13:34:28 UTC 2017

On 09/18/17 19:09, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Ralph Sikau <r.sikau at parabol-pictures.de>:
>> Jan Schneider schrieb:
>>> Zitat von Ralph Sikau <r.sikau at parabol-pictures.de>:
>>>> Ralph Sikau schrieb:
>>>>> Jan Schneider schrieb:
>>>>>> Zitat von Ralph Sikau <r.sikau at parabol-pictures.de>:
>>>>>>> At the console the user can connect from the horde machine to his
>>>>>>> home directory on the Samba server. With Gollem he cannot:
>>>>>>> "Authentication failed". The problem seems to be that the home
>>>>>>> directory has the name of the user. So it does not help to define
>>>>>>> "share = homes" but there should be a variable representing the
>>>>>>> username.
>>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>>> Best, Ralph
>>>>>> It should still work using the "homes" share name, if this is 
>>>>>> what is
>>>>>> used in your Samba server.
>>>>> Unfortunately ist does not. It works if I define "share = ralph" and
>>>>> login as ralph. But that is wrong for the other users.
>>>> Can anybody tell which login string Gollem uses with the server and 
>>>> share parameters included?
>>>> And is there a debug option to get more details than just 
>>>> "authentication failed"?
>>>        putenv('PASSWD=' . $this->_params['password']);
>>>        $port = isset($this->_params['port'])
>>>            ? (' "-p' . $this->_params['port'] . '"')
>>>            : '';
>>>        $ipoption = isset($this->_params['ipaddress'])
>>>            ? (' -I ' . $this->_params['ipaddress'])
>>>            : '';
>>>        $domain = isset($this->_params['domain'])
>>>            ? (' -W ' . $this->_params['domain'])
>>>            : '';
>>>        $fullcmd = $this->_params['smbclient'] .
>>>            ' "//' . $this->_params['hostspec'] . '/' . $share . '"' .
>>>            $port .
>>>            ' "-U' . $this->_params['username'] . '"' .
>>>            ' -D "' . $path . '"' .
>>>            $ipoption .
>>>            $domain .
>>>            ' -c "';
>>>        foreach ($cmd as $c) {
>>>            $fullcmd .= $c . ";";
>>>        }
>>>        $fullcmd .= '"';
>> Hmm ... How  can I define in backends.local.php that parameter $share 
>> = params['username']?
> This is taken from either Gollem's login screen or from the current 
> user name. Unless it's hardcoded in backends.local.php.
Here is my configuration which may help you.

# cat gollem/config/backends.local.php

$backends['smbh']['disabled'] = false;
$backends['smbh']['name'] = 'SMB drive';
$backends['smbh']['driver'] = 'smb';
$backends['smbh']['hordeauth'] = true;
$backends['smbh']['params']['hostspec'] = 'sambahostname';
$backends['smbh']['params']['domain'] = 'ourdomainname';
$backends['smbh']['params']['port'] = 139;
$backends['smbh']['params']['share'] = $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth();
$backends['smbh']['params']['smbclient'] = '/usr/bin/smbclient';
$backends['smbh']['loginparams'] = array();
$backends['smbh']['attributes'] = array(
$backends['smbh']['shares'] = true;

Andrew Watkins * Birkbeck, University of London * Computer Science *
* http://notallmicrosoft.blogspot.com *
* UKOUG Systems SIG Chair *
* UKOUG Tech committee *
* tel: 020 7631 6720 *


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