[gollem] Authenticate users via FTP on Gollen, without login in Horde

Marcus Vinicius marc_mcs10 at yahoo.com.br
Thu Mar 7 18:22:19 UTC 2019

In first place, sorry for my terrible english.
I have a really newbie question, I think, but it's taking me hours of work without success. I've installed Horde 5.2 with Gollem for Web FTP Management. 
I want be able to login on Gollem with FTP user and password (already setted up and working) but I don't want to login on Horde itself.
I want access the URL http://localhost/horde/gollem, and authenticate directly by FTP credencials.
After installation, I kept the default option "Automatic Authenticate as a certain user". 
With this option, after accessing, I login on Horde as Administrator automatically and then I can use the FTP credencials to log on Gullem. So far so good. 
But I don't want permit the FTP users to see Horde menus and Horde system. So I change the option  $conf[auth][driver] to "Let a Horde application handler authentication -> gollem". 
But with this option I can't login on Gullem anymore. 
I can see the following error log: 
2019-03-07T18:10:02+00:00 NOTICE: HORDE [horde] Login success for superuser to horde ( [pid 24255 on line 164 of "/usr/share/horde/login.php"]
2019-03-07T18:10:02+00:00 NOTICE: HORDE User superuser is not authorized (Remote host: [pid 24255 on line 324 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Registry.php"]
The FTP authentication was good, but I have some strange permission problem, that I can't solve.
I opened permissions for File Managment for all authenticated users and guest, but without success.
Anyone could show me a way to solve this?
Thank you very much

Marcus Vinicius
E-mail: marc_mcs10 at yahoo.com.br

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