[gollem] Gollem doesn't show filename with characters

mvzeppelin marc_mcs10 at yahoo.com.br
Tue Mar 12 14:37:03 UTC 2019


I've made some tests and I realized that if I upload a file with special
characters on its name, with Gollem, it appears on Web interface normally,
but if I use a FTP program like WinSCP, Gollem can't show the file on the
web page. 

On the Linux filesystem I have: 

# ls -1
Teste Acentua????o.rar     -> This file was uploaded via Gollem Web
interface and it's show OK on Gollem.
Teste Acentua??o2.rar      -> This file was uploades via FTP client, and
doesn't appear on Gollem.

# file *
Teste Acentuação.rar: RAR archive data, v1d, os: Win32       -> OK on Gollem
Teste Acentua▒▒o2.rar:  RAR archive data, v1d, os: Win32   -> NOK on Gollem

On FTP client I can see both files normally.

Is there any way to configure Gollem to show the second file above? Maybe
some internationalization config? 

I have an old 1.0.2-1 Gollem that shows the same files with success.

But I can't figure out the diferences.


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