[gollem] SSH2 backend readStream error

Arjen de Korte build+horde at de-korte.org
Thu Dec 30 20:35:47 UTC 2021

- PHP 7.4.27
- Horde installed from PEAR
- ssh2 extension from PECL (1.3.1)

I have switched from the FTP to the SSH2 backend lately and found that  
listing directory contents works fine, but downloading (even very  
small files) doesn't. See also attached error log.

Looking way back in the archives I found a similar error with a  
workaround by changing lines

    327  'data' => is_callable(array($vfs, 'readStream'))
    328      ? $vfs->readStream($vars->dir, $vars->filename)
    329      : $vfs->read($vars->dir, $vars->filename)


    327  'data' => $vfs->read($vars->dir, $vars->filename)

After that, reading files works again. Am I doing something wrong?
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