[hermes]Weird problem

Jörg Hillen joerg@hillen.org
Mon Nov 18 17:01:09 2002


whenever I enter a new record with e.g. a testdescription I got two new
entries in the database. 

As you can see in the horde-log file... 

Nov 18 15:12:35 HORDE [debug] [hermes] INSERT INTO hermes_timeslices
(timeslice_id, client_id, employee_id, jobtype_id, timeslice_hours,
timeslice_isbillable, timeslice_date, timeslice_description, timeslice_note)
VALUES (17, 1, 'joerg', '1', 2, 0, 1037574000, 'testdescription', '') [on
line 93 of "/home/www/html/horde/hermes/lib/Driver/sql.php"]

Nov 18 15:12:35 HORDE [debug] [hermes] INSERT INTO hermes_timeslices
(timeslice_id, client_id, employee_id, jobtype_id, timeslice_hours,
timeslice_isbillable, timeslice_date, timeslice_description, timeslice_note)
VALUES (18, 1, 'joerg', '1', 2, 0, 1037574000, 'testdescription', '') [on
line 93 of "/home/www/html/horde/hermes/lib/Driver/sql.php"]


... that a difference is only at the timeslice_id. So it seems that this
function was called twice immedeately. But why?

Everything else works fine. 
fyi: test.php is ok, I´m using the latest CVS. 

thanks for help 


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