[hermes]hermes decimal hours

Udo Schubert news4dadirtyluk at gmx.de
Mon Mar 17 22:57:35 PST 2003

hi there!

i just updated my test version to see if this thing has been fixed now,but
i think it is not 

(nobody promised to do that!!)

so i just want to ask,if there is something i can do to fix that...
it is very important for me that hermes is fully available in my
office as fast as possible (because it is such a great tool ;)

but it only works in english:

  3.5 works in a session with english locale
  3,5 doesn't work on a german locale and
  3.5 produces an error with the german locale
  3,5 gets accepted,but the inserted value is 3 ...

maybe someone could point me to where it is worth the effort to 
have a closer look at (as i am no php geek...),i would really
like to help :)

best regards and thankx in advance


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