AW: AW: AW: [hermes]hermes decimal hours

Udo Schubert news4dadirtyluk at
Fri Mar 21 15:19:12 PST 2003

>Well, I can confirm that decimalFromLocale() is being called now.

alright,i checked it again and now the insert statement contains the right
decimal point,but all decimal places are set to '0' -> '4.00'

(and infact decimalFromLocale is being called now,like you said!)

>So either it's not working properly for you, in which case you need to help
us debug
>it, or you're not entirely up to date.

come on man,i really try to and i really try not to ask too many stupid
i updated horde yesterday,after your mail came in,today in the morning and a
minutes ago,so i really try to stay up to date!

bit i assume the error is now located somewhere around localeconv()...

either this is wrong in the locale db for german or localeconv() determines
the locale directly through the os the machine is running!

because of that localeconv would tell on my machine that en_US
is used and therefore the decimal point would be '.'

but i think every user should be able to choose his/her own locale,right?

best regards


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