AW: AW: AW: [hermes]hermes decimal hours

Udo Schubert news4dadirtyluk at
Mon Mar 24 14:40:37 PST 2003

hi there!

i discovered a very strange thing,while i was debugging hermes to find
out why this thing keeps on stressing me:

i copied the code from both NLS::decimalFrom/ToLocale to a test.php fuke and
with some output i saw that everything is alright. numbers with the dot
became numbers with
a colon and vice versa
but after i put some Horde::logmessages into decimalFrom/ToLocale i saw
that it wasn't working at all in NLS.php!

all i could get out was '4,00' or '4.00' despite the method was called with
'4.11' (ToLocale) or '4,11' (FromLocale)

now what could be the reason for that? i really have no idea and i really
used the
same code in my test.php file :(

best regards


ps: horde cvs, update 24.03. 12.00

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