[hermes] PATCH: Real clients in hermes.

Jason M. Felice jfelice at cronosys.com
Thu Jul 17 10:01:56 PDT 2003

On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 12:36:06PM -0400, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting "Jason M. Felice" <jfelice at cronosys.com>:
> > Depends on Bo Daley's patches.  Lists Client:Job pairs.  Clients:Job
> > associations are from Whups (the job is still the module name).  If the
> > module isn't assigned to any client, it will not appear in the list.
> Committed, thanks! Is this file:
> ? hermes/scripts/update_clientjob_id.sql
> around somewhere?

Attached.  It probably only works under PostgreSQL.  It bothers me that there
is no way to make `cvs diff' see a new file without write access to the

> > (In the near future I'll add a flag in whups to indicate that _all_ clients
> > are assigned to a module.  I need this, for example, for my marketing
> > tickets, or for my "Cronosys" module).
> Cool. What's the Cronosys module do?

Just a module for internal tickets, either non-client-related (like our
billing stuff) or miscellaneous stuff (like a request to add an mailbox for
one of the companies we host mail for).  Cronosys is the name of my company,
if you didn't catch that :)

> -chuck

 Jason M. Felice
 Cronosys, LLC <http://www.cronosys.com/>
 216.221.4600 x302
-------------- next part --------------
ALTER TABLE hermes_timeslices ADD COLUMN clientjob_id VARCHAR(255);
UPDATE hermes_timeslices SET clientjob_id = ':' || CAST(client_id AS VARCHAR);
ALTER TABLE hermes_timeslices ALTER COLUMN clientjob_id SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE hermes_timeslices DROP COLUMN client_id;

ALTER TABLE hermes_clientjobs RENAME COLUMN clientjob_id TO old_clientjob_id;
ALTER TABLE hermes_clientjobs ADD COLUMN clientjob_id TEXT;
UPDATE hermes_clientjobs SET clientjob_id = ':' || CAST(old_clientjob_id AS TEXT);
ALTER TABLE hermes_clientjobs ALTER COLUMN clientjob_id SET NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE hermes_clientjobs DROP COLUMN old_clientjob_id;

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