[hermes] projects/listAs Error

Neil Jolly neil at jollycom.ca
Sat Jul 19 14:48:07 PDT 2003

On Sat, 2003-07-19 at 13:48, Neil Jolly wrote:
> I installed hermes last night on a horde 3.0 cvs install, and am getting
> the following from several different screens:
> An error occurred listing clients: The method "projects/listAs" is not
> defined in the Horde Registry.
> It would appear that I'm missing something from the Horde Registry. Can
> anybody point me in the right direction here?

Update: Adding the following to the horde/config/registry.php:

	'provides' => array('projects/listAs'),
under the hermes entry 

This results in a new error message:

An error occurred listing clients: The method listAs is not defined in
the API for hermes.

I'm not sure if I'm headed in the right direction or not???

Neil Jolly

(with Yoda-like voice)
"Confrontation leads to anger...  Anger leads to fear...  Fear leads
to using Windows NT in mission-critical combat systems...  And this is
how the ancients fell...

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