[hermes] Mozilla Enter Time Issues

AJ aj at mindcrash.com
Sat Mar 20 07:31:55 PST 2004

This also happens on the latest version of Mozilla..
Can anyone recommend a fix??


 > Hello,
 >    I am using Mozilla Firefox .8 and when I go to the Enter Time screen,
 > the top menu items are very spaced apart and the font on the item
 > descriptions below cannot be seen w/ any theme.  The font color is
 > white, which blends in with the background of the page.
 > This does not happen w/ IE, and all other screens other than the Enter
 > Time screen seem fine.  Anyone else see this?

Debian doesn't seem to have a firefox build available.  I can say that
it works
on Mozilla and IE.  Wish I could help.

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