AW: AW: [hermes] where has the export/import link gone?

dadirtyluk news4dadirtyluk at
Mon Mar 22 16:31:11 PST 2004

hey ya!

first : thanks for all the help so far...i justed checked out cvs
and tried ur updates...

i get some search results now, but if i trie to export 'em i'm asked
to download search.php ...

any idea?

greetings luk

>That is for the search so you can determine whether you want to see
>time.  Once you have search results, you will see an export form with
>which you
>can choose the format, whether to mark as exported, and export the data.

  Jason M. Felice
  Cronosys, LLC <>
  216-221-4600 x302

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