[hermes] Re: Hermes & Invoicing

Jason M. Felice jfelice at cronosys.com
Mon Mar 14 09:34:22 PST 2005

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

>Quoting "Jason M. Felice" <jfelice at cronosys.com>:
>>I can imagine us on occasion providing hours and total, but not rate.
>>We prefer fixed bid, and if we put a lot of effort in, we might want to
>>show the client that we lost our shirt on a job even though we do not
>>want to commit to a rate.
>>On the other hand, we don't want invoices that don't add up.
>>OK, so, if rate AND hours are provided, amount is not allowed.  If
>>amount is provided, either rate and/or hours must be empty.  That'll work.
>Sounds fine to me.
>What are batches?
>Why both note and description for items?
Oh, heh.  Let's respond to the WHOLE message...

A batch is a billing run.  We use QuickBooks, so we want to produce one 
import file for a set of invoices.  Also, a batch will have the ability 
to be typeset to PDF, so a batch is the unit in which we work with 
invoices.  We have weekly batches here, run monday afternoon for the 
last Sunday through Saturday week.

Description appears on invoice, note does not.  Currently, we use note 
to communicate to whoever is running billing.  We say things like "Bill 
$0, was our fault," and "Not sure whether to bill, check with 
So-and-so."  We also put notes we don't want to appear on the invoice 
about technical solutions when we do a small enough job that we don't 
ask for a signature so that whoever answers the phone has the 
information to justify the charge.  The field appears in the invoice 
item table so that we can copy it over to advise the person running the 

 Jason M. Felice
 Cronosys, LLC <http://www.cronosys.com/>
 216.221.4600 x302

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