[hermes] Integration with Quickbooks

Guy Davis davis at guydavis.ca
Fri May 27 12:02:46 PDT 2005

Thanks to both Jan and Jason for responses to my previous question. 
This time I'm wondering about the timeline for the new version of Hermes 
I saw mentioned in a previous message.  I think it said a few weeks?

I'd like to start using Hermes at work as we're currently using 
Quickbooks but everybody hates entering their time using the QB Timer 
app which is nearly a decade old now.  For Hermes to work for us, we'd 
need to be able to export our time into IIF files.  As well, it would be 
  cool if the client/job information could be loaded from the export of 
Customer List that QuickBooks provides.

Any idea if this functionality is coming down the pipe?

Thanks much,

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