[hermes] Restricting Listing/Edit Rights to the Item Owner

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Mar 23 01:36:46 PST 2006

Zitat von Pieter Bruinsma <pbruinsma at fotgroup.com>:

> Two main issues:
> 1) If I am basic user, I can use the search facility to list all items
> for all users. Is there any configurable way of limiting this search
> just to the current users items?
> 2) Is there any way of limiting the edit permissions for an item? At the
> moment any user can edit the details of any users items.
> [Note: I have looked at the permissions under admin and cannopt find
> anything that works.]

I would consider both at bugs. Can you file a bug report on bugs.horde.org?


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