[hermes] Timesheet Management

Manilal K M libregeek at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 22:24:43 PDT 2006

On 21/06/06, Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> wrote:
> Quoting Manilal K M <libregeek at gmail.com>:
> > Exactly. This is what I meant. Actually I was unaware of the Horde
> > Blocks. I thought of re-using the code written for Search. But now I
> > think Horde_Block makes more sense. However I have to learn more about
> > Horde_Blocks :). Is there any documentation other than
> > http://dev.horde.org/api/framework/Horde_Block/Horde_Block.html which
> > I can refer ?
> Just the examples - look in lib/Block/ in most Horde applications.
> Avoid anything prefixed with tree_, though - those are for putting
> things into the sidebar menu. They're not very complicated - only
> requirements are _content() and _title() functions, and _params() for
> any configuration.
> -chuck
Yes, It's very easy. I have referred whups/lib/Block/myrequests.php
and it's very cool. But I have one more doubt. I was very much
confused with the Hermes API. In whups there are methods like
getTicketsByProperties, sortTickets(), etc to search. Is there any
such methods for Hermes. As you know I am new to this list, so pardon
me if I am distrubing you.


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