[hermes] Problem with hermes displaying deliverables in a hierarchal form.

Virgil E. Alderson valderson at xtg.bz
Tue Apr 17 20:48:59 UTC 2007

Can somebody tell me why my deliverables are being displayed in a non
hierarchal form. I am running the latest head of horde and hermes. I have
tried different versions of php and databases (oracle and mysql). It used to
work until recently in the last two months. I have also removed all entries
and readded them but that makes no difference (I tried that after reading an
entry in bugs at lists.horde.org <
in the deliverables entry page it looks like this
test 1
test 2
   sub 1
      sub sub 2
   sub 2
but in the enter time page it looks like this 
+sub 1
+sub 2
++sub sub 1
test 1
test 2

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