[hermes] Problem with hermes displaying deliverables in a hierarchal form.

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Apr 18 22:00:15 UTC 2007

Zitat von "Virgil E. Alderson" <valderson at xtg.bz>:

> Chuck or Jan please help, I have asked several questions recently on the
> horde list and now on hermes list and none got replied. If I am asking
> dumb questions, not giving enough info, or missing something please say
> so and I will provide whatever is needed. We have been using time
> tracking for quite a while now and the deliverables not being listed in
> a hierarchy makes the module unusable.

You've read the bug report. If we could reproduce it or know an  
answer, we had fixed it. But not even the original reporter was still  
able to reproduce it.

>> I had read that entry and had tried this before. I  tried again this
>> morning, each time selecting the client and hitting submit each time,
>> and it made no difference.
>>     Virgil
>> Sasikala P A wrote:
>>> On 4/18/07, Sasikala P A <gnuwings at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 4/18/07, Virgil E.  Alderson <valderson at xtg.bz> wrote:
>>>>> Can somebody tell me why my deliverables are being displayed in a non
>>>>> hierarchal form. I am running the latest head of horde and hermes. I have
>>>>> tried different versions of php and databases (oracle and  
>>>>> mysql). It used to
>>>>> work until recently in the last two months. I have also removed  
>>>>> all entries
>>>>> and readded them but that makes no difference (I tried that  
>>>>> after reading an
>>>>> entry in bugs at lists.horde.org <
>>>>> <http://lists.horde.org/mailman/listinfo/bugs>
>>>>> http://lists.horde.org/mailman/listinfo/bugs>)
>>>>> example:
>>>>> in the deliverables entry page it looks like this
>>>>> test 1
>>>>>    aaa
>>>>>    bbb
>>>>> test 2
>>>>>    sub 1
>>>>>       sub sub 2
>>>>>    sub 2
>>>>> but in the enter time page it looks like this
>>>>> +aaa
>>>>> ++bbb
>>>>> +sub 1
>>>>> +sub 2
>>>>> ++sub sub 1
>>>>> test 1
>>>>> test 2
>>>>> --
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>>>> I had the same problem and reported this as a bug. But then, I removed
>>>> all the deliverables and recreated them and now I don't have any
>>>> issues.
>>>> http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5206
>>> One more question:
>>> Did you looked into the list after selecting the client list? I
>>> noticed that if the client is not selected, then the hierarchy is
>>> broken.
>>> regards
>>> Sasikala
> --
> Virgil E. Alderson
> Head Of Technical Operations and Support
> Building Content For The Service-Oriented World
> 363 7th Avenue, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10001
> valderson at xtg.bz
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> We deliver systems with off-the-shelf speed and reliability, custom-tailored
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