[horde] PHPLib

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon Dec 4 04:51:57 PST 2000

Quoting Pavel Sorejs <sorejs@ms2.dkm.cz>:

> Yes, but there is one big problem. When you using Windows amd PHP the PHP
> is
> running as external aplication. IIS can't log errors from PHP. It just run
> somthing like this: "php.exe test.php3" and waiting for response. If no
> page
> is returned server returns "Can't display page". The IIS can't handle
> errors
> from PHP and PHP hadn't logging. I haven't any logs with errors from PHP.
> Can you help me??

You have to be able to get server logs somewhere. Also, you can use php4, which
has an ISAPI filter available. Much nicer...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the chicken!" - Baby Blues

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