[horde] genericstable and IMP

Tomasz Orzechowski tmo at apk.net
Sun Jan 7 12:04:28 PST 2001

Jan Johansson wrote on Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 08:55:21PM +0100:
> > X-Authentication-Warning: forest.mydomain.com: apache set sender to
> > adminsis at mydomain.com using -f
> yep, search the FAQ.

Also one could argue that a better|different answer is to add the web
server user to Ct, class of trusted users, by either adding a line:


to sendmai.cf or adding the username to sendmail.ct _iff_ sendmail.ct
is defined as the class definition in sendmail.cf by a line like:


HTH, YMMV, APK is not responsible, and neither am I...
Tomasz Orzechowski                                           tmo at apk.net
APK.net systems administration team                                TO630

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