[horde] phpGroupWare + Horde

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Jan 25 19:23:54 PST 2001

Quoting Atif Ghaffar <aghaffar at developer.ch>:

> Is it just me paranoid, or do I see an attitude from the horde 
> developers towards users, or outside developers?
> It seems that some members of horde-team do not  appreciate any 
> non-core team intervention.

Atif, I examined your patch, and applied it to my development installation, 
before deciding, after a lot of thought, that it wasn't in the best interests 
of IMP to go that way.

Horde is open to anyone that wants to get involved. We have an entire new 
module - gollem, an ftp client/account manager - written by Max Kalika, who 
contributed some patches and eventually really buried himself by going ahead 
and implementing a filtering system for IMP 2.3 in a way that we really 
couldn't say no - and this involved my changing my mind, and letting in a large 
chunk of outside code. It happens - core people have come and gone over the 
years, though luckily more often come than gone.

I'll address the phpGroupWare stuff in a seperate message.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
Entropy. It's what's for dinner.

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