[horde] phpGroupWare + Horde

Dan Kuykendall dan at kuykendall.org
Fri Jan 26 09:15:47 PST 2001

> Okay. This may be personal bias shining through; to be perfectly honest, I just
> get a "cleaner" feeling looking at the way our stuff is abstracted than yours.
> *shrug* It might not be based on anything.

I think the same applies for me. I dont clearly understand your scheme,
and I know how clean and modular mine is.

> Can you just point me at an example of it in the code?

Look at our phpgwapi/inc/class.common.inc.php for teh hook() function
and a hook example can be found in email/inc/hook_home.inc.php
btw, this is cvs code Im talking about. The dir and file names have
changed a little.
Also look in phpgwapi/inc/functions.inc.php for the CreateObject()
function which is how we load classes and allows apps to load classes
from other apps without fear of duplicate including.

> There's phpdoc documentation for it (I'd give you a link, but phpdoc is
> currently broken ...); it's not really clean enough that it's worth documenting
> just yet.

So is the Register:: class part of phplib or pear?

> To be honest, I'm not seeing major advantages here. Am I missing something?

It probably ends in the same basic thing. So no real advantage on either

> That sounds like a good project. Is there a standard for sending contact
> info/meeting requests as some kind of MIME attachment to an email?

Yes, this is what iCalendar (iCal) is for. You send these iCal files as
an attachment. Outlook, Netscape Calendar Server and Lotus Notes all
support this. You just need to have a system in your email client that
will pick up on the iCal attachment and then pass it off to a special
page in your calendar app that will give the user the options to
accept/decline the meeting request. We are aleady in the process of
implmenting this.


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