[horde] error

Mark Chitti mchitti at openworldinc.com
Mon Feb 5 12:37:54 PST 2001

Check your permissions on what it is trying to call in that function.  And
make sure the user your are running your IMP VHost as has ownership of it.

Daniel Provin wrote:

> hi,
> i tried to use the test.php3 but it shows:
> Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function function_exists() in
> /usr/share/horde//test.php3 on line 56
> and i really can't find why it don't work
> Daniel
> --
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>From chuck at horde.org Date: Mon,  5 Feb 2001 15:43:08 -0500
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Subject: RE: [horde] Okay..

Quoting doug moore <lordscarlet at idledreams.net>:

> Starting program: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -X
> (no debugging symbols found)...

You need a non-stripped apache binary to run gdb on. The one that the default 
apache make install puts into /usr/local/apache/bin is stripped; the one that 
it leaves in the src/ dir where you built it isn't.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"My intuitive grasp of math often leads me astray." -Me

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