
Marcelo Pereira gandalf at sum.desktop.com.br
Wed Apr 18 10:12:45 PDT 2001

Hi All,

I would like to provide 'only' WebMail to my users.
What I have done:

- My Apache Server is configured and running;
- I have support to PHP4;
- I can use PostgreSQL (and MySQL);

These are running togheter and very well. Now I have to improve the services collection and offer WebMail.
What do I need to configure to offer just WebMail ???

- I have downloaded the Horde and IMP tarball, but the docs/INSTALL say that I have a lot (really lot) of thing to do before get WebMail running.

There is a simple way to do it ??

./make install ??

Thanks in advance,

Marcelo Pereira
Unicamp - Brazil

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