[horde] Mysql - Horde -Imp - cvs - Logging in

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Aug 20 14:09:20 PDT 2001

Quoting Frederic Trudeau <ftrudeau at CAM.ORG>:

> well i just noticed this Chuck ... My Horde auth table is simply titled
> 'auth', cuz I used the script located in /horde/scripts/db/auth.sql to
> create this specific table...
> Now, its seems the table must be horde_auth. I also have problems using
> horde auth system via SQL ... I already created horde_auth table, but
> without any success =(

The table name can be whatever you like, really - just make sure that $conf
['auth']['params']['table'] is set appropriately.

> // What backend should we use for authenticating users to Horde? Valid
> // options are currently 'imap', 'ldap', 'mcal', 'sql', and 'ftp'.
> $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'sql';
> // An array holding any parameters that the Auth object will need to
> // function correctly. For IMAP, this is the server name, port,
> // protocol, etc.
> $conf['auth']['params'] = array();
> $conf['prefs']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['username'] = 'hordemgr';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['password'] = 'trD098!';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['database'] = 'horde';
> $conf['prefs']['params']['table'] = 'horde_auth';

I'm guessing that all of the lines above that read $conf['prefs'] should read 
$conf['auth']. And as above, make the table parameter point to whichever table 
you're really using.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.

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