Postgres - Horde - Logging in

Nick Gray nagray at
Fri Aug 24 14:33:51 PDT 2001


	What's the answer to this one. I have the same problem as the gentleman 
before but I think for a different reason.

	When I log into horde I get a return to the login prompt.

	#1 I am using the same database for logging into the CVS ans I am a 1.2.6 
system which works.
	#2 Imp works if I go to that screen and type in the information. I can 
check my mail on either.
	#3 Nag, Kronolith, and Turba all exhibit the same behavior.
	#4 There seems to be some inconsistencies and lack of information on DB 
schemas. I undestand that I match schema names it will work, I am
	interested in data fields within the tables I am failing to find a table 
spec for 'horde_prefs' and 'nag_tasks'
	#5 The current documentation has a statement in the horde prefs file which 
indicates that each program 'should' contain a reference to its own
	prefs table
	#6 Great Job on the new look from IMP (I previously had 2.1.1

Thanks Nick

Nickolas Gray
Senior Network Engineer
Brusenak Inc
nagray at

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