Error when running horde/test.php

Matt Carter mattcarter64 at
Fri Oct 12 12:07:38 PDT 2001


I am new to PHP, Horde, etc. My goal is to install the
IMP product to use with my imap server.

I have installed all the appropriate pieces of software
(I think). However, when I try and run the 'horde/test.php'
in my browser, I get an error from Netscape about the
page containing no data. I think I have tracked down the
issue, but I am not sure. I turned on logging in the php.ini
file and I get the following message:

[12-Oct-2001 13:52:11] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function: 
_() in /home/httpd/html/horde/config/registry.php on line 25

Attached is the 'horde/config/registry.php' file I am using
at this time.

I did look in the mailing list archives and I did not see
anything about this particular error.

Any help would be appreciated.

Matt Carter  :^)
-------------- next part --------------
// $Horde: horde/config/registry.php.dist,v 1.47 2001/10/06 18:00:06 chuck Exp $

// $this->registry['auth']['login'] = 'imp';
// $this->registry['auth']['logout'] = 'imp';
// $this->registry['auth']['login'] = 'gollem';
// $this->registry['auth']['logout'] = 'gollem';
$this->registry['mail']['compose'] = 'imp';
$this->registry['mail']['composePopup'] = 'imp';
$this->registry['contacts']['search'] = 'turba';
$this->registry['contacts']['add'] = 'turba';
$this->registry['contacts']['sources'] = 'turba';
$this->registry['net']['finger'] = 'nic';
$this->registry['tasks']['search'] = 'nag';
$this->registry['tasks']['list'] = 'nag';
$this->registry['tasks']['add'] = 'nag';

// Default to assuming that the module directories live inside the horde
// directory.
$this->applications['horde'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/..',
    'webroot' => '/horde',
    'initial_page' => 'login.php',
    'icon' => '/horde/graphics/login.gif',
    'name' => _("Horde"),
    'allow_guests' => true,
    'show' => true,
    'templates' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates',
    'cookie_domain' => $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SERVER_NAME'],
    'cookie_path' => '/horde'

$this->applications['imp'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../imp',
    'webroot' => '/horde/imp',
    'icon' => '/horde/imp/graphics/imp.gif',
    'name' => _("Mail"),
    'allow_guests' => true,
    'show' => true

$this->applications['turba'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../turba',
    'webroot' => '/horde/turba',
    'icon' => '/horde/turba/graphics/turba.gif',
    'name' => _("Addressbook"),
    'allow_guests' => false,
    'show' => true

$this->applications['gollem'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../gollem',
    'webroot' => '/horde/gollem',
    'icon' => '/horde/gollem/graphics/gollem.gif',
    'name' => _("FTP"),
    'allow_guests' => true,
    'show' => true

$this->applications['nic'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../nic',
    'webroot' => '/horde/nic',
    'icon' => '/horde/nic/graphics/nic.gif',
    'name' => _("Network"),
    'allow_guests' => true,
    'show' => true

$this->applications['kronolith'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../kronolith',
    'webroot' => '/horde/kronolith',
    'icon' => '/horde/kronolith/graphics/kronolith.gif',
    'name' => _("Calendar"),
    'allow_guests' => false,
    'show' => true

$this->applications['jonah'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../jonah',
    'webroot' => '/horde/jonah',
    'icon' => '/horde/jonah/graphics/jonah.gif',
    'name' => _("Headlines"),
    'allow_guests' => true,
    'show' => true

$this->applications['troll'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../troll',
    'webroot' => '/horde/troll',
    'icon' => '/horde/troll/graphics/troll.gif',
    'name' => _("News"),
    'allow_guests' => true,
    'show' => true

$this->applications['chora'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../chora',
    'webroot' => '/horde/chora',
    'icon' => '/horde/chora/graphics/chora.gif',
    'name' => _("CVS"),
    'allow_guests' => true,
    'show' => true

$this->applications['whups'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../whups',
    'webroot' => '/horde/whups',
    'icon' => '/horde/whups/graphics/whups.gif',
    'name' => _("Bugs"),
    'allow_guests' => true,
    'show' => true

$this->applications['nag'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../nag',
    'webroot' => '/horde/nag',
    'icon' => '/horde/nag/graphics/nag.gif',
    'name' => _("Tasks"),
    'allow_guests' => true,
    'show' => true

$this->services['gollem']['auth']['login'] = array(
    'link' => "%application%/login.php?redirect_url=|url|"
$this->services['gollem']['auth']['logout'] = array(
    'link' => "%application%/login.php?reason=logout&redirect_url=|url|"

$this->services['imp']['auth']['login'] = array(
    'link' => "%application%/login.php?redirect_url=|url|"
$this->services['imp']['auth']['logout'] = array(
    'link' => "%application%/login.php?reason=logout&redirect_url=|url|"
$this->services['imp']['mail']['compose'] = array(
    'link' => "javascript:open_compose_win('popup=1&to=|to|&cc=|cc|&bcc=|bcc|&msg=|msg|&subject=|subject||extra|');",
    'includeFile' => '%application%/templates/javascript/open_compose_win.js',
$this->services['imp']['mail']['composePopup'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php',
    'includeFile' => '%application%/templates/javascript/open_compose_win.js',
    'function' => 'impComposePopup',
    'args' => array()
$this->services['imp']['horde']['summary'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php',
    'function' => 'impSummary',
    'args' => array()

$this->services['kronolith']['horde']['summary'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php',
    'function' => 'kronolithSummary',
    'args' => array()

$this->services['nag']['tasks']['list'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php',
    'function' => 'nagListTasks',
    'args' => array('sortby', 'sortdir')
$this->services['nag']['tasks']['search'] = array(
    'link' => "%application%/search.php"
$this->services['nag']['tasks']['add'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php',
    'function' => 'nagAddTask',
    'args' => array('name', 'description', 'due')
$this->services['nag']['horde']['summary'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php',
    'function' => 'nagSummary',
    'args' => array()

$this->services['nic']['net']['finger'] = array(
    'link' => "%application%/finger.php?address=|address|"

$this->services['turba']['contacts']['search'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php',
    'function' => 'turbaExpandAddresses',
    'args' => array('addresses', 'addressbooks')
$this->services['turba']['contacts']['add'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php',
    'function' => 'turbaAddAddress',
    'args' => array('name', 'address', 'addressbook')
$this->services['turba']['contacts']['sources'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php',
    'function' => 'turbaGetSources',
    'args' => array('writeable')

$this->services['whups']['horde']['summary'] = array(
    'file' => '%application%/lib/api.php',
    'function' => 'whupsSummary',
    'args' => array()

$this->services['default']['mail']['compose'] = array(
    'link' => "mailto:%to%"


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