[horde] Question from a beginner (about the first log on horde)

Edouard Dognin mondoud at yahoo.fr
Mon Nov 12 01:21:01 PST 2001

Tahnk you for you response.
In fact the problem is not the auth method, but that I really don't
know wich password to give ?
(Asking you the qestion, I tell myself that if the auth is made by
imp, that mean that I only need to have a valid imap acount to
autentify myself to horde... is that correct ?)

 --- Jon Parise <jon at horde.org> a écrit : > On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at
09:11:21PM +0100, Edouard Dognin wrote:
> You need to define the authentication method for Horde.  That is
> configured in horde/config/horde.php.  Look at the comments in
> that file for details.
> -- 
> Jon Parise (jon at csh.rit.edu)  .  Information Technology (2001)
> http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/  :  Computer Science House Member

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