[horde] question about phptype - thks

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Nov 27 07:03:59 PST 2001

Zitat von m.ibarra at cdcixis-na.com:

> >From: Jan Schneider [mailto:jan at horde.org]
> >You can't mix different auth methods but you can use however
> authenticated 
> >users for the admin array. But the adding of users which is currently
> the 
> >only adminstration function only works with a sql backend.
> Is there any easy way to migrate to a sql method? Is there any

Not that I know of.

> advantage
> or disadvantage on one over the other?

The advantage of imap or imp authentication opposite to sql authentication 
is that most people already have their user base in an imap server and 
there's no need to build up a second authentication handler next to the 
working one.

If you want to use IMP, the users have to authenticate against the imap 
server anyway, so it only makes sense if you want to offer other Horde 
applications to users that don't have a local imap account.


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