Gollem alternate Login

Samuel Mota samuel at gsw.com.br
Fri Dec 7 03:09:04 PST 2001


I do need to have gollem using it's own login screen but before I see it I'm
redirected to the IMP login.

Yes, the Horde default login system is from IMP and I'm using it very well,
but I want to acess gollem direct (without this previous login that do
nothing concerning gollem) ... to allow people without a email account to
use gollem.

I did the variable $conf['user']['alternate_login'] = "login.php" (hoping
that this would overwrite the redirect to the horde login system) but I
still been redirected.

How can I solve that?



samuel at gsw.com.br
Analista Programador

>From jan at horde.org Date: Fri,  7 Dec 2001 12:32:01 +0100
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Date: Fri,  7 Dec 2001 12:32:01 +0100
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Subject: Re: [horde] Gollem alternate Login

Zitat von Samuel Mota <samuel at gsw.com.br>:

> Hello,
> I do need to have gollem using it's own login screen but before I see it
> I'm
> redirected to the IMP login.
> Yes, the Horde default login system is from IMP and I'm using it very
> well,
> but I want to acess gollem direct (without this previous login that do
> nothing concerning gollem) ... to allow people without a email account
> to
> use gollem.
> I did the variable $conf['user']['alternate_login'] = "login.php"
> (hoping
> that this would overwrite the redirect to the horde login system) but I
> still been redirected.
> How can I solve that?

It's currently not possible. You need to be logged in to Horde to use any 
of Horde's applications. So if you selected IMP as the authentication 
backend for Horde you get redirected to the IMP login screen if you try to 
login to Gollem and must login to Gollem once more after that.


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