[kronolith] Missing menuitem

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Dec 11 01:41:58 PST 2001

[moved to horde]

Zitat von Martin List-Petersen <martin at list-petersen.dk>:

> >
> > > If the logout button is placed in the horde menu we don't have to
> make a
> > > difference because that means of course loggin out of horde.
> > >
> > > And we already have the auth/login entry in the registry that should
> be
> > > called by clicking the logout button. I don't see much mess here,
> it's
> > > quite like the logout button on the summary screen.
> >
> > Yeah, this is my inclination for now. Go for it.
> >
> I think anyway it's the best place to have it, because you'll find it in
> the
> same place allways, instead of sometimes aligned to the right in the
> top
> menu (horde main screen), sometimes right of the other menuitems in the
> top
> screen (IMP) or sometimes not.
> Of course it'll also be a got idea, not to show it, when you not are
> logged
> in (which actually is kind of the way it is in Horde 1.2.x/imp 2.2.x).

But this requires to reload the whole frameset if you submit the login 
form. This wouldn't be so bad, because that would also enable the 
Administration icon if you are a logged in admin.
It could also make the renaming of the frameset page title 
javascript/browser independent.

On the other hand it would break things if people access the horde apps 

One solution may be to make it configurable. If the admin configures Horde 
to use framesets the menu links, app links in the app menus and login forms 
are targeted to _top. If he disables the framesets only the horde menu 
icons are targeted to _top, all other stay as they are now.

Any comments on this?


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