Warning: unserialize() failed at offset 0 of 36 bytes in /var/www /html/horde/lib/Auth.php on line 227

Joaquim Machado joaquim.machado at ine.pt
Tue Dec 18 09:36:17 PST 2001


I'm on the process of upgrading our current webmail (2.2.7) to the latest
RC3 of Horde, IMP, Turba and Kronolith.
This one is working fine (2.2.7). It has an Exchange Server working as an
IMAP server, and it works.
But now, we want to use the latest features available in Horde, IMP, etc.
For that, I have another server (for testing purposes), wich has all the
necessary rpm's and rpm's from horde (imp, turba, etc).
I tried changing the configuration, based on the few documentation that i
could see, to match our needs. And everything seems to be ok. But now, when
I try to log in, I get the following message:

Warning: unserialize() failed at offset 0 of 36 bytes in
/var/www/html/horde/lib/Auth.php on line 227

I'm using IMP for the authentication on HORDE.

Can anybody help me? Or, is there another documentation that i can look for?
Like HOW-TO.

Joaquim Machado

INE (DSII/SGIT - Serviço de Gestão da Infraestrutura Tecnológica)
joaquim.machado at ine.pt
DDI 21 8426197 

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