[horde] Logout button not working again...

Harry Hoffman hhoffman at ip-solutions.net
Wed Dec 19 07:21:08 PST 2001

Hi, me again,
  It also might be worth noting that clicking on the bottom logout bottom a second time logs out of the framework.

Thanks again,

Quoting Harry Hoffman <hhoffman at ip-solutions.net>:

 Hi All,
    Yesterday I found that the bottom logout button (for the horde framwork)
 only logged out of the current application but not the entire framework. After
 Jan let me know that I needed to not allow any guest to any of the apps
 clicking the logout button on the bottom did indeed log out of the horde
 framework. I have an automatic cvs update that is run every night and now I am
 re-experiencing my original problem. Is there a way to make sure that clicking
 on the logout button on the bottom logs out of the entire framework? I've
 checked the "registry.php" file and no guest access is allowed so I'm not
 quite sure where to go. Any ideas??
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