[horde] problems with kronolith kalendar (cont)
Martijn Dekkers
mdekkers at unforgettable.com
Mon Dec 31 01:48:48 PST 2001
Hi Marc, List.
I think this is indeed a bug. Work week is showing me the week starting from
January 1st 2002, and week view is showing me Dec 31 2000 until Jan 06 2001
Quoting Marc Fellman <m.fellman at vitalogic.nl>:
* Citeren Martijn Dekkers <mdekkers at unforgettable.com>:
* Hi Marc,
* I run a CVS version of kronolith of about 2 weeks ago, and store data in
* mySQL. I am not seeing the problem you describe - i.e. all my views show Dec.
* 31 2001.
* < It seems to happen in the week view. When I switched to month I got this
* < month.
* < Marc
* Cheers,
* Martijn
* Quoting Marc Fellman <m.fellman at vitalogic.nl>:
* * Hi all,
* *
* * I am using Horde RC2 (with parts of CVS RC3) and Kronolith (I'm not
* * absolutely
* * sure but I think the version that has the same datestamp as Horde RC3). I
* * have
* * used the calendar for some time now but I can not see any of the entry's I
* * have
* * made. I am able to export the calendar but that's all. Does anyone have any
* * experience with this?
* *
* * I am not aware of changing anything lately.
* *
* * I saw what the problem seemt to be. I was expecting 31 december 2001 when I
* *
* * clicked on today but I got 31 december 2000. So I browsed to december 2001
* * and
* * saw all my events. I don't know if it is special for the 31 december. Hope
* * this
* * helps with analysing the problem. BTW I am using mySQL as the place to
* store
* *
* * the events.
* *
* *
* *
* * M.Vr.Gr.
* *
* * Marc Fellman
* * Vitalogic Services B.V.
* *
* * www.vitalogic.nl
* *
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* *
* M.Vr.Gr.
* Marc Fellman
* Vitalogic Services B.V.
* www.vitalogic.nl
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>From hhoffman at ip Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 13:05:02 -0500
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Subject: Completely automating cvs updating
Hi all,
I currently have a script that automates the cvs updates of the horde tree. I am looking for a way to allow all the "custom" information from the older conf files to be placed into the newer conf files if an update has been made. Here's the process so far:
1) Tar/compress the Horde directory
2) run cvs -z3 update -d on the Horde directory and log to a file
3) grep the file for any modifications to "*.dist"
I've been looking at diff and patch to then patch the old config options into the new file but I'm not sure that this will work.
Is anyone else doing this or attempting to do this. I don't really need to keep backups to the original files as I have them all in a tarball before the cvs update begins.
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>From jan at horde.org Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 19:34:46 +0100
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Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 19:34:46 +0100
From: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
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Subject: Re: [horde] Completely automating cvs updating
Zitat von Harry Hoffman <hhoffman at ip-solutions.net>:
> Hi all,
> I currently have a script that automates the cvs updates of the horde
> tree. I am looking for a way to allow all the "custom" information from
> the older conf files to be placed into the newer conf files if an update
> has been made. Here's the process so far:
> 1) Tar/compress the Horde directory
> 2) run cvs -z3 update -d on the Horde directory and log to a file
> 3) grep the file for any modifications to "*.dist"
> I've been looking at diff and patch to then patch the old config options
> into the new file but I'm not sure that this will work.
> Is anyone else doing this or attempting to do this. I don't really need
> to keep backups to the original files as I have them all in a tarball
> before the cvs update begins.
You can make your local changes directly in the dist files and copy them
over the .php files after updating cvs. But you have to pray that cvs is
always able to merge the changes in the .dist files correctly if you want
to let this script run automatically.
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