Ok.. I'm still lost but not as bad

Anthony Ryan Mattke tony at iphere.com
Wed Jan 30 09:39:18 PST 2002

I can login now, but not from my original installation


I UnTar'd a new copy of horde and quickly configured it in another
domains's directory and I was able to log in. But I did get 2 database
errors on the welcome screen.

Anyway !


The reason everything is flipping out on me is the fact that horde
dosent want to be run from its own domain. Ie I had horde running from
http://horde.iphere.com <http://horde.iphere.com/> 

And I was able to login from http://akira.iphere.com/horde (both on the
same machine just different host names on my domain)


So, my new question is how can I configure this so it dosent mind me
running it from a domain or, so it can figure out where it is and not
worry about this ?





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