[horde] Horde/IMP Accessibility Issues

Marcus I. Ryan marcus at riboflavin.net
Fri Feb 15 11:59:31 PST 2002

I'm waiting to hear back from my mother, but she uses Jaws with
Microsoft Internet Explorer and has not had significant problems with
web sites that she's mentioned to me.  In fact I'm hoping to add her to
my IMP system in the next month or two.  Perhaps I'll add her to the
test group and see how well her speach synthesizer works with IMP.

Oh...and if you haven't figured it out, she is blind and would be a
reasonable test case. :)

This does bring up a question though - Perhaps this is more for version
4 or even versoin 5, but would it be wise to look at the possibility of
setting up templates that users can then select?  Perhaps there a
completely Javascript-free template that makes certain procedures much
more difficult, but still gives people the option, a template with
larger fonts for someone who is visually impaired, and a much more
stripped down version for someone who is completely blind.  This would
be a major undertaking I expect, but is it something worth looking into?

Quoting Scot Wilcoxon <scot at wilcoxon.org>:

> The problem which was mentioned yesterday about IMP requiring
> Javascript is one 
> which will greatly limit the use of it.
> Many government and organizations are required to make their web
> sites 
> accessible to people who can not use the common interfaces.  The most
> obvious 
> is a browser based on a text-to-speech system for a blind person. 
> I'm not 
> aware of a text-oriented browser which can run Javascript, much less
> read text 
> painted inside an image which runs a script.
> It also means that IMP cannot be used in a PDA text screen through a
> telnet/SSH 
> link, nor a WAP_phone-to-telnet link.
> -- 
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Marcus I. Ryan, marcus at riboflavin.net
 "Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it
 flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night, the ice weasels come."
                 -- Matt Groening

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