[horde] Cannot add header information

Stephan Isringhausen-Bley isy at bgfa.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Thu Mar 28 05:48:57 PST 2002

php can't sent the redirect statement header('Location...) because there had
been an output somewhere before.

in your case, the output must begin in conf.php, included by the index file.

also a ?> followed by a space can cause such an output error

hope that helps..


> line 35 of /turba/config/conf.php is actually the last line of the file.
> I am using explorer 5.0 and the offending line is a:
> 	header('Location: '...... 
> line, a redirect statement.  I am wondering if this helps.
> Richard

Stephan Isringhausen-Bley
BGFA/EDV 0234/3074-525, Fax -527

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