[horde] SMTP Auth

Oliver Siegmar mailings at ultimate-systems.de
Wed Apr 24 11:04:01 PDT 2002

--On Montag, 22. April 2002 11:17 -0400 Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> 

> Quoting Oliver Siegmar <mailings at ultimate-systems.de>:
>> is it possible configuring horde to authenticate against smtp-server
>> using the sambe username and password the user entered at logon time?
>> The mail server my horde installation has to send mails through, needs
>> smtp auth...but I found no option in horde configuration.
> It's untested and not guaranteed, but, if you use Auth::getAuth() where
> the username is configured and Auth::getCredential('password') for the
> password, in the SMTP options array, it _should_ work, at least in most
> cases.

Isn't this a really needed feature which should be included in the standard
configuration file for easy configuring? Am I the only one interessted in
this (for me live-important) feature?

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