[horde] SMTP Auth

Oliver Siegmar mailings at ultimate-systems.de
Wed Apr 24 12:19:22 PDT 2002

--On Mittwoch, 24. April 2002 14:49 -0400 Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> 

> Quoting Oliver Siegmar <mailings at ultimate-systems.de>:
>> Isn't this a really needed feature which should be included in the
>> standard configuration file for easy configuring? Am I the only one
>> interessted in this (for me live-important) feature?
> Not very many people have requested it, really. If someone can test it
> thoroughly and verify that it works, then we can add it as an example
> option.

Sorry for my silliness, but where exactly do I have to add/modify these 
Which file? Can you give my an example, so I can test this function in a 

Thanks in advance...

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