[horde] Re: Comments and thoughts on Horde Framework

Dan Wilson dan at acucore.com
Wed Apr 24 22:02:47 PDT 2002

Quoting James <james at james-web.net>:

> > This way all a user would have to do to get any given module
> configured in
> > horde is to set a variable
> > to true or false.
> > 
> Isn't that just a bit rigid?  I know with Horde/IMP/Turba/Kronolith on
> my setup, I do a bit of modifications on the fly, as needed, all the
> time.
> Making things inside of those presets could cause some difficulty to
> some administrators.
> However, I do see what you mean for ease of setup.  Actually I think an
> optional semi-GUI setup might be best, ie: "Type in the name of your
> IMAP server:", "Type in the name of your SQL server:", etc etc, rather
> than doodling around in config files.  I consider that a B or C Wishlist
> item, however, compared to other things.

I think this could make things a little more simple (although I have had little
problem getting any of the horde modules installed).  A good example of an
"installer" for a PHP app is phpBB2 [http://www.phpbb.com].  The installer is great!


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