[horde] russian interface

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Jun 10 05:07:50 PDT 2002

Zitat von Igor Vasiliev <igorvv at svitonline.com>:

> Jan Schneider wrote:
> >>I've installed horde-2.0 and imp-3.0
> >>But when I try to login selecting russian language nothing happens,
> >>I mean,  I can login , but as before can see only english interface.
> >>On demo site everything works correctly.
> >>
> >This is a known issue fixed after these versions. With your versions you
> >have to select your preferred language in the options.
> >
> Jan thanks for rapid answer, but let me make more exact couple things:
> you wrote:"with your versions you have to select
> your preferred language in the option"
> What should I do?
> I tryed to change some parameters in lang.php file but it did't help.

You'll have to setup a preferences backend in horde/config/horde.php. Then
you'll get an "Options" button in the menu where you can set your preferred


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