[horde] Fwd: Re: Urgent Help For Session Logout

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Jun 14 11:32:02 PDT 2002

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von shilpa Bijam <shil_bijam at yahoo.com> -----
    Datum: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 11:15:14 -0700 (PDT)
    Von: shilpa Bijam <shil_bijam at yahoo.com>
Antwort an: shilpa Bijam <shil_bijam at yahoo.com>
 Betreff: Re: Urgent Help For Session Logout
      An: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>


Thanks for the reply.
I store the userName and Password I get from the
portal's web interface into Session Variables by using
the following commands in index.php
(nameH and passH are name and passwd being sent as get
variables from a HTML page.)

$passH=$HTTP_GET_VARS['passH']; */
if ((!isset($_SESSION['nameH'])) ||
(!isset($_SESSION['passH']))) {

I then retrieve them in login.inc to send them to
redirect.php and ofcourse redirect.php authenticates
and the mailbox is opened with mailbox.php

<input type="hidden" name="imapuser" value="<?=
$_SESSION['nameH'] ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="pass" value="<?=
$_SESSION['passH'] ?>">

When I call login.php?reason=logout, I assume that the
session is destroyed automatically.I am expecting the
username and passwd stored in the session to be
destroyed and new values are created when a new
session is started.
I am not storing the session information in any
peristent store.I am letting PHP4.0 take care of all
the session handling.

I am using MySQL as the backend for Turba.

Please let me know if there is anything more I need to
do, any light on what I am missing would help a big

Thanks again

--- Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> Zitat von shilpa Bijam <shil_bijam at yahoo.com>:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I am in the process of customizing Horde for my
> > company's existing portal.
> > 
> > The biggest problem I am facing right now is that
> when
> > I logout from one session say with TEST and TEST
> as
> > the username and password, and I login with
> another
> > username and passwd say TEST1, TEST1, it ends up
> > showing me the mailbox & Contacts of TEST and not
> > TEST1.
> > I have tried everything from storing the username
> and
> > password in Session Variables but nothing seems to
> > work.The Session variables hold the right value of
> > TEST1 throughout the session(I verified by
> printing
> > them everywhere) but it ends up displaying the
> mailbox
> > of TEST.
> > 
> > Pls advice, everything else has been done and we
> are
> > not rolling out with the project because of this
> > issue.
> What session backend do you use in PHP?
> Jan.
> --
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