[horde]$imp is gone

Igor Stroh stroh at scan-plus.de
Wed Jul 10 00:50:43 PDT 2002

Hi there,

I'm trying to redesign Horde for a customer which requires embedding the
whole stuff into frames. Login/auth is handled by IMP, initial_page is
set to "imp/login.php". Everything works just smooth, i.e. if I login
into Horde I see mailbox.php first. Now I changed a line (81) in
redirect.php which sent the authenticated user to his mailbox forcing
IMP to redirect him to my custom index.php (with frames layout etc). The
redirect works, but $imp and the whole $HTTP_SESSION_VARS just vanish.

In all of the frames (except in the index.php) I do: 
define('IMP_BASE', dirname(__FILE__));
require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/base.php';
at the top of the page, could that be the reason for the disappeared
session? Again, the login is correct, because if I redirect the user to
his mailbox instead of my custom index.php he does see it's contents, so
I suppose he is authenticated correctly...

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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