[horde] Problem for install horde and Imp

Philippe Chadefaux pchadefaux at ac-creteil.fr
Sun Jul 14 10:51:09 PDT 2002


I have a problem, when I want to install Horde (2.1 src for RedHat 
7.x) with Imp (3.1 src for RedHat 7.x) and turba. 

I have installed horde with ldap for "auth" and postgres for "prefs". 
I obtain one good page with authentification, and icon for IMP and 
turba. It's ok. 
I have everything "Ok" if I use test.php (imap, ldap, php pear...).

But I get  a white page (0 octet) when I go on imp or turba, from a 
link "log in to Mail".
If I go to IMP (from horde page) to compose page 
=&msg=&subject=&....) I have also a white page (0 octet).

I want to configure IMP for a POP server and to have just one 
authentification (with ldap server). But if I uncomment in 
registry.php, I can't obtain the  authentification page (I have also a 
white page). 

I have RedHat 7.3, Openldap postgres apache 1.3.23 
php 4.1.2
My apache server use port 2000.

I have put in httpd.conf 
Include horde.conf
Include imp.conf
Include turba.conf
and UseCanonicalName off

My DocumentRoot is /home/hadmin/html/mail
and horde is in /home/hadmin/html/mail/horde
imp in /home/hadmin/html/mail/horde/imp

I have used "Installation guide IMP 3 for RedHat 7.2" and read 

I don't no where is my problem. Have you a idea ?


Philippe Chadefaux
Rectorat de Créteil
Education Nationale

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