[horde] Config problems with conf.php

David Smith dave at dave-smith.co.uk
Mon Jul 29 09:47:21 PDT 2002

Ok, having used horde for a while I thought I would grab the CVS version
rather than the more "stable" versions...

I noticed the change in conf.php where you use $conf['sql'] for most of
the DB config now, however having set my settings in that I'm getting
the following error when I attempt to login

Required 'phptype' not specified in authentication configuration.

[line 98 of /home/clients-live/horde-cvs/lib/Auth/sql.php]

Details have been logged for the administrator.

Which is nice.... is this me missing a config option or a problem with
the update to use $conf['sql']

FYI - I checked out horde (and other projects) this morning around 10:00
BST (GMT + 1)

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