[horde] Problems installing horde 2.1

sk at lists.randomfx.net sk at lists.randomfx.net
Thu Aug 8 16:39:34 PDT 2002


	I have failed to get horde 2.1 installed from horde-2.1.tar.gz
(md5sum 2e66863e4b5ebabd1a3dae63d2b2cb53) and am hoping someone on the
list can explain to me why.

	My system is:

		Slackware Linux 8.0 (kernel 2.2.21+SMP)
		Apache 1.3.26
		PHP 4.2.2
		Horde 2.1
		PostgreSQL 7.2.1

	I followed ./docs/INSTALL to make sure the right prerequisites
were available.  The installation directory of horde 2.1 has been renamed
horde and is available as http://host/horde/ .  Apache is configured to
serve PHP pages.

	I have deviated slightly from the standard database setup
procedure in that my database name and user are different to those in the
supplied pgsql_create.sql.  However, I have modified all the relevant
files and the tables get created ok and the grants get accepted.

	I have modified horde.php to use PostgreSQL and made sure my paths
were right in mime_drivers.php.

	When I try to load http://host/horde/test.php I get a completely
blank webpage returned.  The HTML source of this webpage has nothing
between <BODY> and </BODY>.  Apache's error log shows nothing when this
page is loaded.

	Trying http://host/horde/ shows:

		Fatal error: Call to undefined function: _() in
		/home/ ... /horde/config/registry.php on line 67

and again nothing shows in Apache's error log.

	What has gone wrong?


Sean Kelly

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