[horde] SQL backend for session storage

Igor Stroh stroh at scan-plus.de
Wed Aug 21 06:30:40 PDT 2002

On Mit, 2002-08-21 at 14:40, Jon Parise wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 10:32:01AM +0200, Igor Stroh wrote:
> > I wonder if anyone's running horde with a RDBMS as session backend. I'm
> > about to move my session storage from FS to SQL and would like to know
> > if there are any existing solutions.
> http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/projects/pgsql_session_handler/


I should check CVS from time to time :) There already is a sql driver
for session storage in horde/lib/SessionHandler... works pretty good
except the fact that the scripts/db/sessionhandler.sql script that
creates the horde_sessionhandler table doesn't fit for my PostgreSQL
(7.1.2). The field session_data is declared as LONGBLOB there. This data
type (or its equivalent) is called BYTEA in pgsql. However, I don't know
why serialized session data should be stored as binary string, so I just
changed the type to TEXT and it works now (BYTEA values have to be
escaped before any WRITE operations, but since the stuff is passed
without any escaping directly to the DB, pgsql module raises an error).

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