[horde] Enabling PEAR logging with PHP 4.2.2

Vicki Brown vlb at gene.COM
Thu Aug 29 11:57:13 PDT 2002

I have configured, built, and installed PHP 4.2.2.

I have tested the installation using horde's test.php script and 
it tells me:

     * PEAR - Yes
     * Recent PEAR - Yes
     * Mail::RFC822 - Yes
     * Log - No
     * Make sure you're using a recent version of PEAR which 
includes the Log class.
     * DB - Yes

I would appreciate recommendations as to what I can do to meet 
this requirement for the PEAR Log class.

php config:
LDFLAGS='-lclua -limc' \
'./configure' \
'--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' \
'--with-imap' \
'--with-kerberos=/usr/local' \
'--with-ldap' \
'--enable-cli' \
'--with-gettext' \
'--enable-discard-path' \

- Vicki
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