[horde] Menu

Edwin Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Tue Sep 3 06:29:03 PDT 2002

Quoting Joaquim Machado <joaquim.machado at ine.pt>:

 | Hi,
 | In the bottom menu of Horde, it only apears the links for horde, imp, truba,
 | mnemo and logout.
 | I'm missing kronolith and nag.
 | Where do I change this?


Find the app you want displayed and change
    'show' => false
    'show' => true

hope that helps,


 | TIA,
 | Joaquim Machado
 | INE (DSII/SGIT - Serviço de Gestão da Infra-estrutura Tecnológica)
 | joaquim.machado at ine.pt
 | DDI 21 8426197


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