[horde] (no subject)

Edwin Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Sat Sep 21 18:14:13 PDT 2002

Quoting Phillip Jackson <pjackson at blackstonecomputing.com>:

 | I am getting the following error when I attempt to run horde:
 | "Some of Horde's configuration files are missing:"
 | All of the config files are present in the /config dir with only .php
 | extensions (I have removed the .dist.)  Any ideas?  I am running
 | apache2, php4.2.3 and mySQL all compiled correctly.  
I had that problem with 4.2.3 yesterday when I downgraded my php4 from cvs
to see if my dev version of php/pear was causing errors.  I got the exact
same error.  As a work around I just added the full path to a copy of
one of the $horde_configured lines and commented out the complete 
expression and this just reminded me to change it back.  Thanks:-)
(see: index.php diff below.)

There seems to be a problem with the define('HORDE_BASE', dirname(__FILE__));
but as I said, I didn't take time to look at it.  I sort of assumed that
it was an issue with the pear version but really don't know.

This not a recommended solution but may get you going.


RCS file: /repository/horde/index.php,v
retrieving revision 2.58
diff -u -r2.58 index.php
--- index.php   8 Jul 2002 22:27:15 -0000       2.58
+++ index.php   22 Sep 2002 01:07:56 -0000
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
 define('HORDE_BASE', dirname(__FILE__));
+$horde_configured = (@file_exists('/usr/src/horde/config/conf.php')); 
 $horde_configured = (@file_exists('./config/conf.php') &&
                      @file_exists('./config/html.php') &&
                      @file_exists('./config/mime_drivers.php') &&
                      @file_exists('./config/mime_mapping.php') &&

 | Any tips would be
 | appreciated.  I have been scratching my head on this one.
 | Thanks,
 | Phil
 | --
 | Phillip C. Jackson
 | Blackstone Computing
 | 80 Summer St, 2nd Floor
 | Boston, MA 02110
 | Ph - 410-710-5045
 | Fx - 617-542-4752 
 | -- 
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